
Showing posts with the label Positivity


Positivity is one of the rarest virtues we can find these days. As humans, living our simple lives, we often complicate things by acting wrongly in some situations. It is mundane of us to worry about future uncertainties, sob over past mistakes, and complain about present challenges. This is why a person who has mastered the art of positive thinking will be an asset in any human gathering they may be. Case one, in virtually every situation, our minds or brains are conditioned to instinctively protect us from all that can harm or hurt us. This is why we may have great plans and aspirations, yet we struggle to implement them because our minds count it a danger to start anything unless there are high and significant chances of success -sometimes this means 100%. A hundred percent chance of success is hard to ascertain at the start of anything. No one certainly knows how anything will turn out until it does. Hence, our minds may hinder us from progressing if the stakes are low on s