
Showing posts with the label Good Parenting

Education Begins At Home

A nation without children will lose its wealthy heritage to foreigners. A nation without men and women of integrity will breed children as pests to the society -repugnant ones like mosquitoes, who cannot but offend and disgust others. A nation without competent teachers will sadly stand still; becoming even more stagnant than a mountain in a virgin forest, and no disaster will reshape its structure. A nation without education will go back in time to wallow in the past that everyone has left behind. It will reverse so shamefully like a full-grown, able-bodied man being nursed from his mother's bosom in public. The value of education can only be underestimated by an unlearned person who has been enveloped in colossal ignorance. When you see one whose conducts fall below certain expectations, you may like to review their educational history. However, a child's first teachers are his immediate family: parents, siblings, and so forth. The truth is that education is more like a seed.