
Showing posts with the label Future

Society and Human Rights: Our Contribution To Our Future.

" As humans, we don't always know how things will turn out for us, or how life will unfold from time to time, therefore, we must do our very best so that we do not contribute in any way to our failures in life ." -SOLA Soyele 🏵If we would succeed, we have to agree that there is an apparent link between our actions today and our realities tomorrow. We have to understand that our decisions and actions yesterday surely had inevitable consequences on our lives today, and this chain of causation is most likely to repeat itself. 🏵The truth may be easier said, it might be utterly difficult to act on, it could even be contrary to the desires of our human lives, yet, its effect will never diminish or lose its power. The real problem does not come with knowing the truth; it comes with acting in the light of the truth. 🏵Our actions today affect our lives tomorrow. Therefore, no matter how discouraged, or pessimistic anyone could be about their future, they must no