Positivity is one of the rarest virtues we can find these days. As humans, living our simple lives, we often complicate things by acting wrongly in some situations. It is mundane of us to worry about future uncertainties, sob over past mistakes, and complain about present challenges. This is why a person who has mastered the art of positive thinking will be an asset in any human gathering they may be.
Case one, in virtually every situation, our minds or brains are conditioned to instinctively protect us from all that can harm or hurt us. This is why we may have great plans and aspirations, yet we struggle to implement them because our minds count it a danger to start anything unless there are high and significant chances of success -sometimes this means 100%. A hundred percent chance of success is hard to ascertain at the start of anything. No one certainly knows how anything will turn out until it does. Hence, our minds may hinder us from progressing if the stakes are low on success.
This, in turn, can stunt a person's success growth in life. If you have to wait till there is a much higher probability of success before you begin anything, with the way life is fashioned, you may have to wait for a very long time, and this might insinuate waiting for a lifetime. In this scenario, it becomes hard to progress or excel at anything. This may be our best explanation on why there are more failures than successes in life, more losers than winners and so forth. How do you win when you have not even started?
How do you start when you await a hundred percent chance of success before you set off? This is one reason positivity is regarded as a virtue here, and an important one as that.
It takes a positive mind to leverage on the little bits of possibilities they can find so as to pursue and achieve anything. Most accomplishments in life usually begin with a kick-start of positivity. From a job interview to a stage presentation, from a prototype to a proposal, from a dream to a trial, they all were never certain at first, they could only build upon little bits of positivity in order to start off.
We need positivity as a virtue in our lives so that when we are confronted with the defensive question of "What if?" we can look on the bright side. We can ask that: "What if it turns out well, what next?" rather than, "What if it fails again, do I just quit?"
Case two, Positivity is also consequential when we consider our past experiences. Instead of seeing rejection as a failure, take it as a lesson necessary for improvement.
In light of this, a positive person will always be a plus and an advantage to any team of people because they come in handy. The rarity of this virtue makes it high-ranking on our virtue list. The quality it can add to life makes it a necessary requirement for a good life. In order to function well and scale through the hurdles of life from time to time, you have to imbibe a positive mindset. Once your perspective is correct, you will be at the vantage end.
Therefore, work at imbibing this virtue and assimilating it completely. Every morning, remind yourself of your goal to attain a highly positive mindset, be very intentional about it, confess that you are positive each day and in every situation. Then, when you remember your prior decision to be positive at an impulse, even in the heat of confusion and pressure, allow yourself to trust your positive mind. With positivity, you have so much more to gain.
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