How To Be A Good Companion: 006 Recommendation.

Distance vs Care, Time and Attention: Is distance really a serious challenge in relationships or has it been overly exaggerated? Let's be honest, the most important things anyone would usually require from their companions are ‘care, time and attention’.
On the 27 of December last year, I stumbled on a picture quote by Jim Rhon that stated the truth that: ‘One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of your attention.’ The point of this quote became clear when I understood the picture in the background. There were a young boy and an old woman, laughing gently as they sat on a fallen tree trunk, apparently having a good discussion. It occurred to me that the boy must have made out some ‘time’ from his playtime to spend ‘time’ together with the old lady. Likewise, the woman must have had to leave her room where she could have been reclining or reading, just to spend some quality ‘time' with the young boy. 'Time' is being emphasized here because of its crucial role. You would most definitely agree with me that if your spouse, friend, children, siblings, or lover could create some time when you get to talk and laugh and worry together, you would find a measure of soothing peace and gladness in life, as well as in your relationship. Yes, 'time', in whatever form surely adds value to companionship.
Some weeks ago when I posted about the 'Withdrawal Syndrome' (to read Click Here), I was gratefully privileged to get a response from a young man who said, 'If someone is taking me for granted, I'll free the person, I swear.' As a matter of fact, a person can assume that a companion who is not willing to make out some time for them is taking them for granted. At least, let it be evident that you're really striving to make out any possible time for the people that matter to you. It's simple, if I am significant in your life, you should show it, it's not something to be hidden in your mind.
Companionship is about sacrifice, too. It's about paying a fair cost to manage your relationships. It's not about sharing your material possessions alone. Actually, I believe that those immaterial things like ‘time, care and attention’, are much more valuable because they cannot be bought; they have to be given. On a lighter note, the reason someone may be called a caregiver’ is that even if you get to pay them to be companions, their care still has to be given. It has to be given whether free or paid for. This makes 'care' a sacrifice.
The theme of this week's post is: Distance vs Care, Time and Attention. Even in a distant relationship, 'distance' cannot defeat a companionship where these three realities are present.
Thus, whether in a distant or near companionship, many different things could be barriers, for example, trust, fear, doubts, distance, and so forth. However, where there is care, time and attention, every relationship challenge begins to diminish and depreciate.
One can rightly say that in a distant relationship, communication can be costly and so would require money for calls and other avenues where companions can mutually offer their care, time and attention. Yes, I agree. Hence, this may call for more sacrifices. Remember, we had established the fact that: ‘Companionship is about sacrifice. It's about paying a fair cost to maintain your relationship.
To save your relationships, many a time the actual things required are care, time and attention. ‘One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of your attention. Do you agree that attention, time and care are virtually what every relationship needs to survive and thrive? Please, share your opinions in the comment section below. Thanks a lot.

This post is dedicated to the wonderful person that made the comment I mentioned above.
To read the previous recommendation, Click Here.


  1. Replies
    1. That's the way I see it, too. Thanks for always leaving a comment Mr. Rasaq. 🙏👍

  2. Spot on, Sola. Well done 🌸

    1. Thank you! Thanks. I'm glad you spared some time. 👍👍👍

  3. The entire truth is, distance is just an excuse for many to ignore their relationship. I for example,am in a distance relationship cause of i and my partner (love) work /job requirements. We tried closing the distance by constant communication, creating time for visitations and outings to various special places in our to visit /do list, and finding the moment to speak on deep things we might be concerned about, wants and needs. Things aren't perfect but the major fact is to show you are and will always be there for her or him no matter the distance or place.

    1. Mr. Hamed, you have just helped many people make a completely practical sense out of this discussion. Believe me, I strongly respect your comment; it is so real. I wish you growth and grace in your relationship. Thanks for this awesome feedback! Thanks 🙏🙏👍.

  4. This is more than superb bro...more ink to your test

    1. Thank you sir. I consider you a blessing sir. 🙏🙏👍

  5. Very timely! Let's not also forget that it has to be a two-way communication. Good write up bro

    1. Thanks, Heli'. 👌I get that -thanks for emphasizing the mutuality. Thanks a lot... 🙏👍

  6. Well done bro.

    The sacrifice has to be from both sides like the old woman and the young boy, if not when it's one sided, the one paying the sacrifice feels bad.

    1. 👌 True. A non-mutual sacrifice can be very exhausting and tiring. It's demeaning. Thanks.

  7. I strongly agree with you Sola.Most times, we think money is what matters but trust me, even if you can not help me, your care and time given is a help on its own.Thanks for this dear.More grace!

    1. Amen. Thank you. More understanding for us... 🙏 Thanks for your time. 👍👍


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