
The Drama of The River 🌊

Imagine a river, content in its own course and flowing gently as if to say “Easy easy does it”. Then, all of a sudden, the drama begins. The music is silent, but the beats are deafening-loud. Like the bàtá, the conga, and the gong, blasting away erratically. All at once, altogether in disunity. The waves of this river - once calm and seamless - now begin to rise to the tune. They rise left and right. They twist their bodies violently, as if sanity suddenly slipped off the grips of a princess, and she scurries aimlessly in her father’s court. The waves rise and fall in one accord then rise again in no accord.  Woosh wooshh… The thing in the air ravages tranquillity once enthroned. Everything, then, subsides as though nothing had happened, but the gongs are still beating quietly at the heart of the river. The surface is clear, but the drama is still on. It’s all part of the orchestra. They are all waiting for the blaring call of the trumpet, which will solo right before the unknown. ...

Tears In The Basin 😥

I was seated at my desk in my overly lit office. The bright white lights were fuelling an awful migraine in my head and my mind was stretching beyond its limits. I did not want it to snap. “I try too hard to end up like this again,” I muttered under my breath. Nonetheless, I felt as though I had gotten to the end of myself and my strength couldn’t save me anymore. “I need to put myself together nicely. I have to, I think; but nothing is working,” I pondered helplessly, sitting still and boiling up in my buttoned-up shirt and tight tie. I could literally pass out and still look well-put-together. Hum…  I walked past my colleagues with a plastic smile, straight into the convenience to cry my eyes out till I was lighter. I sat, this time on the toilet cover, and cried like a 4-year-old who had just lost his most treasured toy. Then, I stood up and washed my face in the basin, dried it out with some toilet paper, put on my overused plastic smile and walked out empty. When you’re at you...

You Are Big - Sola Soyele Free MP3 Download

ARTISTE BIOGRAPHY: Sola Soyele is a Nigerian gospel singer, songwriter, and ardent worshipper of Yahweh. In March 2020, he made his official debut on the music scene with the release of Eternally, a song that is still blessing lives today. As a writer and lover of Jesus, Sola hopes to inspire and encourage today's people to fulfil their ultimate purpose as humans to the fullest. This purpose is "to please God", which is a form of worship. By worshipping God with our everyday lives, in every situation, with faith and godly fear, we can create a complete platter of worship. Sola is a creative and inspirational writer, blogger, and author. When he's not singing or writing, he's finding more ways to add value to others. Download You Are Big MP3 HERE ABOUT THE SONG: You Are Big is an anthem of pride; a bold statement of faith and belief in the omnipotence of our God. Having completed its recording since February, God managed to delay it till this moment. "When Go...


We sincerely apologize for delaying this announcement till now. It has been a concern to us that we have to withdraw this year's TheGoodFelo Young Writers' Award. Having received some submissions, we, unfortunately, could not find stories and writings that met up to our award standards. This is not to say that every entry is not good; rather, we wish to encourage young writers' to learn more, read more, practice more... in order to create better works. For this reason, we - TGF team members - have decided to publish helpful articles, subsequently. Stay connected and up to date with our next posts and you can learn more on creative writing in general. On this note, we are sorry to reiterate that TYWA 2021 has been withdrawn. With Regards, TheGoodFelo team.

TYWA Contest 2021: TheGoodFelo Young-Writers Awards Calls For Submission

We aren't one of those people who request a glass of water when there's a variety of fruit juice flavours to savour! What an awful waste that would be. TheGoodFelo Young-Writers Awards is announcing their annual teenagers literary contest for the year 2021. For the records, Storytelling is Oxygen. Metaphor? We waited this long to catch another breath of fresh air, or is it fresh tales? And, yes, we cannot wait any longer, lest we choke! Last year was undoubtedly great as you can still see. However, TYWA 2021 has to be extra! As always, we know you know a creative teenager who can take our breath away with their incredibly awe-mazing storytelling. Please, do not hesitate to let them know we're waiting on them. Here is another opportunity for that child, friend, student, take us to the moon and back. Your talent can win you our TYWA 2021 Award, free Publishing and Publicity, Cash Prizes and more, in TheGoodFelo Young-Writers Awards 2021. From what we have seen, ov...

New Book: The Sound Of Our Own Voices Vol 1.

  Here is an incomplete compilation of top entries from TYWA 2020 Contest. Freely download this as a part of our SRL for 2021. As you should know, we aim to provide a meaningful platform for writers to tell their own stories. TheGoodFelo Young-Writers Awards is a grass-root project which is under no pressure to present only exceptional writings or sustain any image at all cost. Even though we work towards creating standard, memorable contents for general view, we are still bent on telling all kinds of tales that are Read-Worthy - from the purely unadorned story written out of the creativity bank of the simplest child, to extraordinary ones by those with remarkable writing skills. Enjoy the tales and evaluate the creative capabilities of our writers. Listen to the sound of our own voices, and tell of it. Have a first-hand experience with us as you flip through the pages of our latest publication. We, also, have started listening to the sound of our own voices. It's an assuring melo...

New Book: "Happiness, A Crazy Choice," by Sola Soyele (limited free download).

We really can get a lot happier this year. Without any embellishment, Sola Soyele has seriously and sincerely put together undecorated truths about Happiness, and how humans, like us, can grow into a higher level of Happiness in life. You want to UPGRADE Your Life? Do you want to take your Happiness to a higher level? Read up this resourceful Life Handbook, and better be ready for the Upgrade!   Details: 40-page PDF © Sola Soyele; Including contact to call for enquiries and support; Undiluted facts on Real Human Happiness. FREE but limited sponsored copies... DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE NOW, try now! Instructions: ✔ Click the link below ⤵⤵⤵ CLICK HERE ✔ Once it opens, Click the download icon at the top... OR ✔ Click the 3 dots at the top of the document: ✔ Then, Click "Download" in the options. CLICK HERE NOTE : If you find it difficult to download from here for any reason, send a complaint to 08176265124 on WhatsApp. Likewise, if you want to receive more books, send your ...

A True Life Story from Prisca Ekoh (former TYWA contestant).

Gratitude, Strength and Beauty: My Journey to Recovery. Human strength and beauty lies within, and are all enforced by gratitude and the people around. It’s a beautiful lesson I learnt from eight chemotherapy sessions and two surgeries over the course of one year. The school year had just ended and I was finally home with my parents after three months of intense academic activity in boarding school. As I lay on the sofa, loss in thought anticipating the beautiful holiday, my mum slowly reached out to me calling my attention to a small mass she observed protruding on my right abdominal region. Although, I had observed the mass before I never seemed to be bothered, “I feel no pain there”, I told my mum. Unknown to me my mum pondered about it all through the night and called in for a doctor’s appointment.  At the hospital we ordered for a scan, and on interpreting the scan results the doctors recommended surgery to take out the mass on the thought it was just a benign tumor. Surgery w...

Welcome: Our 2021 Agenda @TheGoodFelo.

We welcome all our readers into the new year! In our agenda for 2021, we have decided to put out more books than posts. These books will be interesting, insightful, and above all, add value to your life. We have worked tirelessly for more than 8 months now, just to assure you that we make promises we KNOW we can keep. In this light, all our subscribers have been automatically added to our Sponsored Readership List. The most important goals of our Sponsored Readership Project this year is to ensure YOU still have access to quality content, to see that you are able to read at least 3 books in 2021; to add value to the lives of the Nigerian youth as well as other interested subscribers; and to increase our positive impact on the society.  At least, 3 new titles, both literature and self-help would be published. These books would be distributed freely to TheGoodFelo subscribers who are on the SRL -at the cost of sponsors. Hard copies would be available later at an affordable price, pro...

TYWA 2020: Exclusive Interview With Timi And Grace.

"Rewarding CREATIVITY with a PLATFORM for Positive Influence" has been a core drive for all TGF projects. When TYWA was conceived, the vision was to create a sustainable platform that would encourage the involvement of African young writers in global literature. This leverage is therefore built to help talented writers validate their creative abilities as early as possible. It is our goal to initiate an era where more young writers can carve out a visible space for themselves, where the African voice can be heard clearly in the literary sphere. As TYWA 2020 announces its winners once again, here is a list of some enjoyable stories that would worth your time. From our Top Picks, we have: Blinded To Light by Abisola Emmanuella, Your Definition by Oluwatola Ibikunle-Aina, All Through The Mirror by Timileyin Akinmoyeje, Fear Of The Unknown by Prisca Ekoh, A Greater Reward by Gloria Owolabi, The Day Fire Rampaged by Grace Alioke. Keep anticipating the release of our 2021 Ant...